Monday, August 15, 2022

Summer Weekend

Since this journal is meant to recount our famliy's adventures somewhat accurately, I'm just going to say it....THIS SUMMER SUCKED. It started with the stress, worry and grief of my dad dying in June, on top of a back injury that has made every activity a struggle. I have spent the majority of the summer feeling sad and broken and haven't felt like doing or planning ANYTHING. And mysteriously, if I don't plan it, somehow it doesn't get planned. ;)

But, having had a really nice weekend with Mom last weekend, and seeing that the end of summer is quickly approaching, we decided to make more of an effort and the result was really nice weekend.

Friday night, we just had a low-key evening on the head pier at the yacht club, watching the sunset and eating pizza.

On Saturday I dragged everyone almost three hours EACH WAY to see Opus 40, a really cool landscape sculpture built by Harvey Fite in the Hudson Valley in New York.

It was a fun trip, and worth the drive (I thought so, anyway...)

Then on Sunday, we enjoyed a beach day with friends.

The summer may have sucked, but this weekend really didn't!

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