Thursday, August 11, 2022

Grandma's Visit

When mom was trying to decide when to come visit us,  I went ON AND ON  about how nice Massachusetts is in of course her visit end up coinciding with a 6 day heat wave. 

On her first day, we didn't let the heat deter us! We hiked all over Boston, from Fanueil Hall... the Public Garden... the Christian Science Center. We must have sweated buckets!

On Sunday, we had a plans to take Grandma to my favorite place, World's End. But hiking around in the blazing sunshine with no way to get out of the heat seemed like a bad idea. So....we went to a movie and did some shopping. See ya next time, World's End.

Monday took grandma on a riveting excursion to buy school supplies and shoes for Audrey. And then we went by Piers Park to see Maddy. It's fun to heckle her from the shore as she de-rigs. 

Monday night the heat FINALLY broke! So Tuesday Mom and I took a nice bike ride in the morning, then we went to Twillights Sailing for Audrey in the evening.  I felt pretty bad that Mom had had such a boring visit, but then Gillian saved the day by offering to take us out on her boat so we could get a better view of the sailors. It was a little grey and rainy, but it's always nice to be out on the water!

It was a pretty low-key visit, but we got to finish strong with a boatride, a beautiful sunset and even a rainbow!

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