Monday, June 01, 2015

Operation "Big Girl Bed" is Complete!

Audery, the poor, neglected second child had been left in her crib for way too long and we finally got around to getting her a "big girl bed". And only just before she literally busted out of her crib.

First step, was a trip to IKEA where we never pass up the opportunity to stage artsy vignettes in the store. This one is called "Family Nap."

Once we picked out a bed, it was time to fight to the death over the last few crumbs of "Chocolate Overload" cake.

After the bed was brought home and the mattress was ordered, thus began the long process of saying goodbye to Ole Cribby. Many tears were shed and photos were taken.

On Saturday morning we picked up the mattress and pretended that it was safe to drive home like this.

Then, Bob and his helpers assmbled the new bed.

Done! And only just in time for bedtime.

And now there's finally enough room for Audrey. And Elmo. And Big-Pink-Doggie. And Jordan. And Swing-O. And Curious George. And Dog-Named-Duck.

Happy sleeping!

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