Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Day Weekend

We had a great spring weekend! The weather is so nice now, all the misery of the past winter has almost faded. Almost.

On Saturday, I took my Mother's Day gift to myself and saw a movie and went shopping while Bob took the kids to visit Grammy in Taunton. They had a really nice day outside. Maddy takes any opportunity to shoot hoops!

I hope Calipari has a scout on her. She's got great form!

Then they played Frisbee in the back yard with uncle Kenny. Audrey didn't play Frisbee, so much as play next to a Frisbee.

Maddy, on the other hand really got into the game!

Afterwards, there was a trip to the park. There may have been some ice cream as well!

On Sunday, the kids (or Bob, really) gave me some flowers in each girls favorite color.

And we spent the afternoon planting our boxes.

It's always great to reclaim our porch this time of year. It makes the house feel so much bigger!

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