Sunday, June 11, 2023

Winding Down the School Year

The few weeks before the end of school always feels like a long, chaotic transition into summer. Lots of events, no consistent routine, lots of stress!

We had one last Girl Scout outing, blowing though the last of our cookie money, before we close down the troop. RIP troop 62766.

 Maddy had her end-of-year drama banquet. Of course it had a theme (mythical creatures) and required a costume because drama is always a little 'extra'. Maddy is taking over as Props Master from a graduating senior and had to write a toast for her and while it was SO FAR outside of her comfort zone she did it and I couldn't be more proud.

Maddy is getting ready to return to her happy place, Piers Park. She spent one Saturday volunteering for the community sailing day

And Audrey cleaned up at Awards Day for 6th grade. She was inducted into Mr. Brown's Math Hall of Fame, received the Art Award and...drumroll....won the award for Jaguar of the Year.

Both kids had a great year and we're so proud of everything they achieved!

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