Tuesday, November 01, 2022


This years Halloween was all about Stranger Things. Audrey binged all four seasons over the summer and has been obsessed ever since. 

Originally, she was going to be "Mall Eleven" but the outfit came and it was too big. Then she was going to be Scoops Ahoy Employee but changed her mind. The Scoops Ahoy outfit DID get used once by Maddy who got invited to her first high school Halloween party with the drama kids. (Though Maddy did give Eddie's hair a test drive and decided against it!)

For the Bike Winthrop event Audrey went as "Goth Eleven" (mostly because she wanted to play around with crazy makeup, I suspect)

We even pulled together a family costume (minus Maddy who was busy with drama but plus Aria who was Chrissie). I was Joyce and Bob was Eddie.

And on Halloween itself, Audrey was Eddie.

Maddy is too cool for trick-or-treating now so sat out Halloween this year, instead deciding to watch The Shining with Bob and eat too much candy.

"Eddie" and "Chrissie" (plus Ella the space alien) walked all over The Maze and Halloween and had a ball. 

This Halloween felt very bittersweet, only taking Audrey out but I guess this milestone is just the first of many. 

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