Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Summer Sailing

Both kids spent the bulk of the summer sailing. Audrey was back to sailing N10s at the CPYC every morning.

And Maddy did the Future Leader Program at the Piers Park Sailing Center in East Boston. This year, Maddy's program was split between learning new sailing skills herself, and also learning how to teach younger kids. It was an all day program, five days a week and they weren't even rained out ONCE all summer. But Maddy came home happy every single day!

As a Future Leader, Maddy also had to spend some extra time on the weekends and evenings, doing dock shifts or volunteering for events. She decided to help the WINARC program to fulfill her volunteer requirement and got to take our friend Nicholas for a sail. 

I'm so jealous of the summer these girls are having on the water!

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