Monday, April 30, 2018

Misc Weekend Goings-on

We had tons of fun goings-ons this weekend.

Friday night Maddy and Bob attended "Dinner with a Gentleman"

...while I took Audrey to her "Spring Social"

(Apparently ring pops are the currency that first graders deal in)

On Saturday, Maddy made care packages for the troops with Mr Honan and her Girl Scout troop.

Later, on Saturday afternoon, Maddy had her CIMT group with Amaia and their therapist had the awesome idea to take advantage of the 70 degree sunny day and have a car wash. The idea was  HUGE hit!

Meanwhile, Bob and I were TRYING to teach Audrey how to ride her two wheeler. There were many tears.

(But all those tears paid off, because the next time we went to the park it clicked!)

It was a great weekend. We can feel summer coming!

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