Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Quiet Weekends

We've been enjoying a stretch of lazy post-surgery, post-basketball (pre-soccer) weekends which has been really nice. Last weekend our only plans were to watch basketball, eat corned beef and cabbage and see A Wrinkle in Time (so Maddy could do her movie review/ book report). But first, I demanded some pre-movie Malaysian food so we could test the kids' chopstick skills.

(They passed therefore were allowed to eat!)

This weekend we didn't have any plans until Sunday evening when each kid had a party to attend but luckily they were at the same restaurant! I couldn't have planned that so well if I'd tried!

Audrey had an Art Birthday Party for her friend Daniela.

I think her owl turned out amazing!

Meanwhile, on the other side of JWs, Maddy's basketball team was having their "breakup" party.

(I object to calling it a "breakup party", they should call it a "see-you-next-year" party.)

It's been so nice have some lazy weekends!

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