Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blizzard 2015!

We survived the Blizzard of 2015, or "Juno" as she's been named. It was forecast several days in advance so we had plenty of time to prepare. Audrey and I made a trip to Target on Monday to get the essentials: toilet paper, batteries, cookie mix and Nerf balls!

School for Tuesday and Wednesday was already called off by noon on Monday so we all slept in (and never lost power, thank goodness!) and then Bob did some shoveling. It was amazingly light, but still...20 some inches was still pretty heavy!

Seeing no reason to get out of our pajamas we set about on our busy day of laying about and making cookies. Maddy loves to make cookies. I just can't imagine why.

The snow continued to fall all day and buy afternoon there was another six or eight inches on the ground. So, we went out for another round of shovelling, letting the kids join us this time. Maddy obviously didn't get the memo about how shoveling is NOT fun. NOT. FUN. (Somehow, she always manages to enjoy herself.)

Audrey decided to make a snow angel, and she didn't even have to get off the porch to do it!

(Obligatory photo op amongst the drifts.)

This photo will explain why we only lasted about three more minutes after this. 17 degrees + snow down your pants and in your gloves is a recipe for tears.

But, in our remaining time, Bob acted as the kids' pack mule.

And they had a blast. For about 45 seconds.

It was an interesting experience for sure!

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