Wednesday, July 05, 2023

The Official Start to Summer

The kids had one week of complete vegging before summer REALLY started, around the beginning of July. And even though the calendar SAID July, we didn't not have very summery weather.

Audrey started her afternoon sailing program with the older kids and the really fun speedy boats that capsize all the time!

For Saturday of the long July 4th weekend we took the ferry (in the fog!) and explored the Seaport area.

Including a very much hyped (by me) stop to have treats at Tatte.

On Sunday we went to the annual July pool party with the Cahoons at the Barry's pool. Sadly the weather was MISERABLE. But the kids were determined not to miss a chance to swim in the pool, so they jumped in between downpours.

And while I was so excited to reclaim the July 4th holiday after a series of terrible ones, this one did NOT break the streak. We tried to watch the fireworks from the CPYC but a fog rolled in right at nightfall causing the fireworks to be delayed. Eventually we gave up on waiting for them to go off....only to hear them as we were driving home.

Oh well, maybe next year...

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