Wednesday, February 08, 2023


 Happy Sixteenth Birthday Maddy!  

As you've made your way almost halfway through high school, we could not be prouder off you! I'll never forget the look on your gym teacher's face when we introduced ourselves at curriculum night. The first words out of his mouth were, "You must be so proud." What he was getting at was that he was impressed by your amazing work ethic. With all the challenges you deal with, you have every excuse to take a shortcut, or an easy way out but you never choose that path. 

But honestly, your favorite thing about school happens after school...drama! I'm so glad you have your drama friends. Even if you like to fade to the background, I'm glad you have a group that feels like "your people". And thanks to you, I'm actually becoming a person who likes musicals. (gasp!)

It's hard to believe that in just a couple years you're going to be graduating from high school. What the heck?! You've even taken your first college tour, thanks to Cousin Carmine and his enthusiasm for UMASS. I think you were most impressed by the food in the dining hall!

We have no idea where you'll end up after high school, but we hope we're able to help you imagine a place for yourself where you can continue to grow and figure out what kind of life you want to have. But no matter where you end up, please don't ever stop sending us funny videos of cats on Instagram. Your sense of humor is my favorite thing about you!

One thing is clear, you've matured so much this year. Our family didn't have the greatest year but you always offered to help with whatever you could while my back was injured. And as we spent the last few days with grandfather before he died, you weren't afraid to sit with him (and me) just letting your presence be a comfort. I was so impressed with your empathy and maturity under those difficult circumstances. 

And on a happier note, you took on your first job last summer. You had your first job interview and you were SO nervous, but you did great! You got into the Future Leaders Program at Piers Park and showed up every single day without complaining once. And there were zero days off for day, because it literally never rained all summer! I'm so glad you have a summer activity that lets you learn so much while also having so much fun!

These days feel so precious to us, seeing you on the brink of adulthood. I don't want to miss a moment!

We love you so much Maddy! Happy Birthday!

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