Monday, October 22, 2018

Italy, Part Two: Orvieto

After three and a half awesome days in Rome, it was time to test out our Italian Railway skills. The trains there are SO nice. So nice in fact that we (and all the other Americans in the same coach with us) accidentally traveled in 2nd class, rather the the 1st class that we'd booked.

After a peaceful hour and a half ride we were in Orvieto, where we needed to take another mode of transportation....a Funicular. It was a little nerve wracking, not knowing which track the oncoming car was going to take. 😬 Apparently they time the trains to give tourists heart attacks!

The main attraction in Orvieto is a huge cathedral in the middle of the city.  It was a very impressive structure, with an amazing amount of detail.

After touring the cathedral, we took a recommendation from our hotel front desk person for lunch. Poor Bob was forced to try an Italian soda....

...but he was quickly pacified when "the best lasagna of his life" landed in front of him. (It really was amazingly good, as was my eggplant lasagna)

After some aimless roaming we made our way to the edge of the hilltop.

The views were stunning!

Then we went into Orvieto's second most popular attraction, Saint Patrick's Well.

Saint Patrick's Well, from the exterior.

(Some cool graffiti in one of the stair towers that go to the bottom of the hill.)

We made it back toward the cathedral so we could see the sunset.
(This is the view from our hotel room. Amazing view, but the bells rang ALL NIGHT LONG!)

The  cathedral looked completely different, depending on the time of day.

The downside of visiting Orvieto on a Monday is that most of the restaurants were closed for dinner. Luckily, I had enough Italian to negotiate some antipasto as a light dinner for us at a wine bar, and then we found some dessert and a wine tasting. We bought one bottle of wine to have on next year's anniversary (when we'll certainly be weeping that we aren't back in Italy!)

I'm so glad we stopped in Orvieto! It's such a special place with so much charm and beauty! And I'm proud that all those hours on my Duolingo app absolutely paid off!

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