Monday, February 26, 2018

February Vacation

We had a nice vacation week. Equal parts fun outings mixed relaxing and binging on the Gilmore Girls!

On Monday we spent half the day recovering from our party weekend, but made a quick stop at the MFA to see the Murakami exhibit. It was a lot of fun!

"Be the shadow, Audrey!"

We also saw the MC Esher exhibit. I knew it would blow her mind!

Maddy is always more into non-representational geometric art.

They were both skeeved out by the giant creepy baby head.

Tuesday was the first of our two amazingly warm days. We met the DiBases at the Old North Bridge in Concord.

Wednesday we spent another day outside at Belle Isle, being Wildlife Detectives with DCR and the Girl Scouts.

But sadly, our local ice cream place wasn't the open yet so we had to be satisfied with a Frosty from Wendy's. It was a poor substitute for mint chip, but we made do.

Late Wednesday afternoon Audrey got sick (right on schedule for February vacation!) so we spent Thursday and Friday watching Gilmore Girls and eating popcorn. It was awesome. Audrey did spend some time writing thank you notes for her birthday gifts. I love her humor! (You have to imagine this one read in the voice of Cousin Eddie from the Christmas Vacation movie.)

On Saturday, after Maddy's basketball game, we decided to venture out to the ICA.

It wasn't that warm anymore, but that didn't stop us from getting Ben and Jerry's.

And playing on the teeter-totters.

On Saturday night, Maddy had one last hurrah... staying up last, watching sports, eating popcorn and drinking Capri Suns. She's really enjoyed her free-wheeling lifestyle this week!

Getting to school by 7:15 for morning band is going to be a harsh way to get back into our schedule! It was a great vacation week though!

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