Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ice Skating

This week was Maddy's second ice skating lesson, and this week siblings were allowed to join in with thier own coach. Audrey was very excited to get to participate. Especially since her buddy Kai was going to be skating too. (The Franciscan's clearly have no idea what kind of clowns they are dealing with or they would never let these two out on the ice together!)

The first few minutes were pretty rough! When I walked into the rink, she was alternating between clinging to the wall, and laying on the ice. However, they gave her a walker, then within 20 minutes she was skating on her own (albeit very slowly.) It was amzing to see her progress so quickly!

This is Maddy's third year and she's doing really great. I suspect she could skate on her own, she just needs to get a little confidence!

The both had a great time! And they've both already surpassed my skill at ice skating!

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