Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Grandma Visits!

We just had Grandma for a nice relaxing visit.

Upon being asked to share her bed with Grandma, Audrey kindly showed me her plan for making room for Grandma amid all her "friends".

Unfortunately for Grandma, she arrived on a really hot and humid day. But luckily we could get out of the house and go have a picnic dinner and see a nearby outdoor concert.

One day we took her to the beach and showed her what sea monsters look like.

And we managed to take a few nice walks along the beach.

On Saturday, we got to see Audrey play t-ball (and hit her first "home run"!)

(Some spectators were more interested in reading her Kindle than watching her sister.)

Afterwards we took a road trip to Portsmouth, NH.

I'm sure the best part of the road trip for Grandma was squeezing into the backseat with these two yahoos.

On Sunday the kids and Bob went to see the new Minion movie while mom and I got to go on a Netflix bender.

It was a great few days!

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