Saturday, February 14, 2015


Happy Fourth Birthday Audrey!

You've grown up so fast over the last year, you are breaking my heart. Slow it down, please! Every day for the last two weeks the first thing you ask me every morning is "Am I four yet?" I'm afraid that for you, having a big sister that seems SO cool makes being "yittle" simply intolerable.

You have a very strong will and tend to go your own way. I love your stubborn streak even when you won't believe me when I tell you that we actually speak English and that the Johnny Depp Willy Wonka is NOT a girl (I know, on that one I can't really blame you!) You know what kind of music you like (Camper van Beethoven) and what you want more than anything in the world (a doggie named Buster). In every way, you're girl who knows what she wants, and I think that's awesome.

When I think that in just a year and a half you'll be trotting off to kindergarten, I can't believe it. But I know you'll be ready. Last fall you started preschool two morning a week and you love it! One day last month I volunteered in your classroom and it was so much fun seeing your school life. You are a great student! And your teachers tell me the same thing. You take your projects very seriously! You're a great listener but you're also not afraid to speak up and have your voice heard. I admire that about you and hope you never lose that quality as you grow up.

All that learning has made you wicked smart (or "smaht" depending on who's saying it.) Lately you're really interested in expanding your vocabulary. You like to define words for me like "considerate" when you are actually being considerate. Did I mention that you also don't like your good deeds so go unnoticed! Lately you've become really interested in finding out how to spell various words and what sounds different letters make. It's so exciting seeing you take these first steps toward reading. And by the way, I'm done playing memory with you. There's only so much humiliation a person can take!

One major way that you are different from your sister is your love of art and craft projects. If Maddy's teacher had requested fifteen Valentines, I would have driven us to Target posthaste and picked out a box, probably ones with temporary tattoos since those are super-classy! I never would have dreamed of making them at home. However, when I asked you what we should do, you immediately wanted to make them yourself. And being that we're on our 73rd snow day, I thought, "What the heck, what else are we doing?!" You take lots of pride in your work and I'm so proud that you can write your name with a little bit of guidance.

Your teachers tell me you are a great friend to your preschool buddies. But still, your number one partner in crime is your sister. I love all the games you guys come up with.

And like your sister, you are pretty hilarious. You guys are into knock-knock jokes and any other kind of corny humor. But you have actually patented your own joke. It goes like this:

"What did the two bananas say to the penguin?"
"Nothing. Bananas don't talk."

Now I'll grant you that's pretty funny, but you didn't stop there. You have a whole line of " doesn't talk!" jokes where you tell the joke using whatever items are within eyeshot. It shouldn't be funny the 1000th time, but somehow you keep it fresh.

And this winter requires that we keep a sense of humor, or go nuts! The crazy weather has been very challenging for me. But for you, not so much. Every snow bank is a mountain to be climbed, every walk to school is a good reason for a snowball fight. I should find this annoying, but your exuberant attitude is actually making me hate winter less. But only slightly less. I'd love to see this winter through your eyes (snowbanks taller than you, narrow snow tunnels everywhere) for just a little while. Then I want it to go away.

Seeing the world through your eyes is a beautiful thing! Happy Birthday Audrey!

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