Saturday, September 20, 2014

Apple Picking

On Saturday, we made our annual trip up to Cider Hill Farm. The Finley's couldn't make it this year, but we still had a great time.

First stop was a photo opportunity amongst the pumpkins.

Then the kids checked out the new sandbox and trike area.

And then on to the hayride, albeit sans hay. (It was probably more pleasant that way, anyway!)

Maddy came up with a new photbombing technique.

Then we began the hunt for apples. I think we were a little earlier in the season than we usually are, so it seemed like many of the varieties weren't ripe yet.

But eventually we discovered a new part of the orchard with smaller trees and tons of ripe apples.

And the apples were a perfect Maddy-picking-height.

Although shorty pants Carroll still needed a little boost.

(Though what she lacks in height, she makes up for it in speed.)

After we picked a peck of apples, we walked though the "Corn Walk". Not to be confused with a corn maze.

And this year, the donut gods decided to smile on us....the line was only mildly ridiculous. A good thing too, my ears are still ringing from the fit thrown last year when we couldn't get any cider donuts. Both kids agree, cider donuts are the bomb!

Then a few minutes on the tire swings...

...and a few minutes petting the goats and it was time to go.

It was a great day!

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