Sunday, May 06, 2012

Princess Party

Maddy was invited to a "Royal Tea" birthday party this afternoon. We weren't sure exactly what to expect so we got her a dress to wear and some girly shoes (a real rarity for her!) Little did we know, they were going to transform her into a princess, at the party. And the look on her face when she heard this was....reluctant, to say the least.

But, Maddy is a very good sport and she picked a dress (purple, of course) and jumped right into the festivities.

First up, she had her nails done, purple polish, with purple glitter, a first for her.

Next, she had her hair done and she received her tiara, another first.

Then,all the lovely princesses participated in a "fashion show".

For the "tea party" portion of the party, they dined on pizza and cake off of fine china!

The finale was a princess melee, brought on by too much sugar coupled with a bubble machine.

Maddy had a blast, though my ears are still ringing from all the screaming!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

She reminds me a lot of Katie in the top picture.