Sunday, March 06, 2011


This was our first weekend as a family of four on our own, so we started trying to remember what we ever used to to with a newborn. Besides taking lots of photos and sitting on the couch, that is.

So we took advantage of the warm weather and went to the beach. Maddy loved the chance to collect some rocks.

But that was about all we did. Just getting everyone fed and dressed and bathed took up a huge part of the weekend. (We're still trying to figure out our new 'normal'.)

Turns out, just because Maddy and Audrey are both girls doesn't mean they are similar at all. All the things that used to calm Maddy down (reading books, singing songs, listening to bad pop music) don't work on Audrey at all. One thing that is the same though, is that they both love(d) the changing table. There must be something about the lighting, but Audrey is so calm, just like Maddy used to be.

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