Saturday, March 26, 2011

Getting Out of the House

Between the added complexity of Audrey's spica cast in addition to getting used to having two kids, we haven't been out too much lately. But today, we decided to venture out to the ICA. Mostly to test Grandma's tolerance for weird contemporary art.

We actually had a really nice time, and everyone behaved really well (though all the museum docents were definitely keeping a watchful eye on a certain four-year-old.)

Yay! Art you can touch!

Maddy had a chance to make some art of her own. She's drawing the moldy newspaper art installation she saw in another gallery. (Maddy's version actually made more sense.)

We also made a "zoetrope". Ours was a balloon in motion.

After we drew all the frames we put it in the spinning cylinder and watched our movie.

We had a great time. I might actually venture out again soon!

1 comment:

katie j said...

I can't wait to hopefully get out with you guys.... Six adult hands are better then 4 :)